*Please see more details below poster:

We are very excited to announce our forthcoming production of THE SELFISH GIANT by OSCAR WILDE.  Our production will be held at the Wits  Theatre from  17 June to 28 June 2008.  See picture gallery.


The BALLET BUGS THEATRE COMPANY was formed in 2001 to give children from all cultural backgrounds an opportunity to experience a live theatrical production.  Our past productions have been CINDERELLA (2001), SNOW WHITE & THE 7 ELVES (2002) and BEAUTY & THE WILDEBEEST (2004). 

In the past we have worked with Yvonne Chaka Chaka and Edith Venter and have raised funds for the Guide Dog Association of South Africa.

We currently have 66 members in our company, ranging from 7 years to 18 years old.  We are also very excited to announce that Tobie Cronjé , the well-known South African actor, has agreed to be our storyteller for this production. 


A giant had been to visit his friend The Cornish Ogre for 7 years.  The Giant returns back to the castle.  The Cornish Ogre, played by MICHAEL McGOVERN, relates this poignant tale to his friend The Giant.  The Giant is played by 15 year old, 2 meter tall, Jason Pillay, who is a grade 9 learner at the National School of the Arts.  Jason is an arts student.

Our show opens with the Ogre and Giant sharing a drink and smoking their pipes.  The Ogre leads the audience into the story - lots of audience participation.

There are 15 children in the Giant's beautiful garden.  There are 12 peach trees, Spring (danced by Sharne' Hein - a championship winner, a dancer with the SABT Academy and learner at the National School of the Arts) enters and dances with the spirits of the peach trees and their blossoms.  Flowers, like stars, grow in the garden, as well as beautiful green grass blades, with peacock strutting around showing their colourful feathers.

The Giant appears and shows the children out of his garden, builds a wall, and puts up a sign saying "TRESPASSERS WILL BE PROSECUTED"........and so the story continues.  The Giant eventually has a change of heart and learns the error of his ways.

The character Winter is danced by Jemina Bowring, being also a championship winner and pupil of Martin Schoberg, Director of Ballet Theatre Africa.  There are winter winds from all corners of the earth, hail, frost and beautiful snow flakes.

Cheeky chimney sweeps erupt into the winter garden.  Young and old ballet lovers - as well as non-ballet lovers - will all be intrigued by this poignant story narrated by the unsurpassable Michael McGovern, acted and danced out by the talented young dancers of the BALLET BUGS THEATRE COMPANY.

Proceeds of the production will go to various children's charities, i.e. Help a Child in Need, as well as to the Theatre & Actor's Benevolent fund.

All the dancers were auditioned and selected as members of the Ballet Bugs Theatre Company - coming from a wide range of dance studios all over Johannesburg.


We will be dedicating one special performance to the late Patrick Mynhardt who had agreed, three months prior to his untimely death, to be our Storyteller.  (This will be a fund-raising event for his beloved charity – The Theatre & Actors Benevolent Fund).

We are expecting +/-370 people to attend this event and have invited various celebrity actors and media personalities, as well as Patrick Mynhardt’s family to this occasion.  This invitation will also be extended to various programmes, such as Top Billing, Studio 53, etc, and we are in negotiation with them to televise this event.  

There are 4 special school shows running from 17th to 20th June, and our production will be open as from the evening of 20th June.  Performance dates and times are as follows :

            School block bookings       :           17th, 18th, 19th, 20th June, 10h30 to 12h00

            Opening night     Friday 20th June       :           19h00     GALA OPENING NIGHT

                                    Saturday 21st June  :           11h00             &         15h30

                                    Monday 23rd June    :           14h00

                                    Tuesday 24th June   :           14h00  
                                    Wednesday 25th June   :           10h30

                                    Wednesday 25th June   :   20H00  PATRICK MYNHARDT BENEFIT PERFORMANCE        

                                    Thursday 26th June :           14h00

                                    Friday 27th June       :           19h00

                                    Saturday 28th June  :           11h00             &         15h30

Ticket prices are :     R65 scholars & pensioners

                              R85 adults

Special school block booking rates apply.  For these rates, please contact Kariena at  083 337 7478. 

 Bookings can be done through Kariena or Rhalda  - or through Computicket as from 1st April 2008.

 If you should require any further information, please do not hesitate to call us.                                                                                             

Kariena Kolisko                                                        Rhalda Bowring

082 337 7478                                                            084 576 4473           

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